Saturday, July 10, 2010

Blessings and Brain Fog

As much as I hate what dysautonomia has taken from me, I am SO blessed with so many good things as well. I’ve been home alone all weekend (my parents are usually here) and pretty sick and it has definitely taught me to not take the little things for granted. I love my parents, I get so annoyed with them sometimes, but I really do love them. I never realized how much energy it takes to live on your own. I usually have my parents to pick up my slack when I’m sick, which I am so grateful for! I’m also so thankful for the friends I have made from having this illness, either through face book or the dysautonomia connection…I have so much support and feel much less alone because of them. Someone always manages to brighten my day, whether it’s an IM from David, a cute video Kyli made, a sweet and cheerful post from Candice, or a funny response by Frank, it really does make me feel like there are other people out there who understand…and honestly, even though I haven’t met any of them, they are some of the strongest people I know!
So, because I’m stuck in super brain fog, I’m gonna finish this post with some Pits/Peaks of my weekend.

-feeling super nauseous all weekend long and not being able to eat.
-losing weight because of the nausea.
-having a sick dog.
-the heat.
-passing out while home alone.
-just feeling down/sad.

-a friend came into town and spent the night.
-watched “Remember Me” (a GREAT movie, P.S.)
-auditioned for a commercial
-successfully ate a non-dairy milkshake without feeling like vomiting.
-trying and liking a new flavor of Gatorade
-reading a good book. (The Weight of Silence by Heather Gudenkauf).

Anyways, I know that was a super random post, but I figured it was better then nothing. I hope everyone is having a good weekend.
Sweet Dreams!


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