So, I was looking for an inspiration quote to start off today’s post, but I came across some that were more interesting…
The first quote: “You can set yourself to be sick, or you can choose to stay well” – Wayne Dyer
Welp. All I know is that this Wayne Dyer character never had a chronic illness. Last time I checked, I didn’t set myself to be sick, and if I could, I would definitely choose to be well. But I don’t think that’s gonna happen any time soon! It’s things like this that make it harder for people with chronic illnesses, especially invisible illnesses, to get credibility. I can’t count how many times I’ve heard “you’ll feel better if you have a positive attitude” or “just will yourself to feel better”. I do understand that having a positive attitude is good and can be beneficial in ways, but it usually doesn’t stop my heart from racing or my blood pressure from dropping. My parents are the masters of “drink some water and think happy thoughts”. If anyone has a more positive take on this quote, please let me know. Maybe I’m just misinterpreting?
Anyways, I know a lot of people who are going through a lot of hard things right now. Some are sick, physically, and some are just mentally and emotionally drained. I’m not one for peppy speeches and I know sometimes you just need to have a bad day, but I did find a quote that I LOVE! It says “Every day might not be good, but there is something good in everyday”. Now believe me, I know for sure that sometimes days are pretty bad and just all around sucky, but if you think really hard (REALLY REALLY hard), there is usually something good that came out of that day; even if it is one small, tiny thing.
The other day I had one of these no good, terrible, horrible, very bad days. My pressure was low, my pulse was high, we thought we were going to have to put my dog to sleep, my family was driving me crazy, my car broke down. It was just one of those days where nothing could go right. I decided to give up for the day and head to my bed, but when I got there I found a pretty, white Gardenia on my pillow. My dad knows that gardenia’s are my absolute favorite flower, so he went outside and picked one for me and left it on my pillow. And, although my day was super crappy, in that minute that I saw that flower, that small gesture of kindness, my day was okay.
So, whether you’re having a really great day or a really terrible day, try to make time to think about one thing that was good in your day. I’m not saying that this is going to cure you, or make you feel better, but it might make you smile, even if only for a second.
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